Clinical Hypnotherapy

When you come to see me, you actively engage in the process. You become an active contributor to the change you want to see. This makes our work together exciting, fun and productive. It also puts you in the driving seat of what you want to achieve from our sessions together.
"Etain is empathetic, open and professional. I had no previous experience of hypnotherapy and found the process to be transformative, with change starting in the first session"
Semi-Professional Athlete. Belfast
Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a complementary, not an alternative therapy. I employ hypnosis alongside practical, psychological therapy modalities many of which are from the field of Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Our work together involves directing your focus and attention, engaging your imagination to create the change you desire.
I do not use scripts during hypnosis sessions. Many hypnotherapists will simply read to you from a pre-written script once your eyes are closed. This however does not provide individualised and targeted therapy and this is not a method I employ.
All our sessions together are unique, personal and are tailored around your own specific needs and rate of progress at that time.
We do not use the language of 'going under' or 'being put in a trance' as these are outdated and unhelpful ways of describing what is happening in hypnosis.
I provide you with two MP3 Hypnosis Audios that you can listen to in between sessions. The first MP3 is aimed at helping you relax and to become familiar with the feeling of engaging in the hypnotic process. The second of these is aimed at helping you with your specific issue and is tailor made to your own experience.
I teach all clients how to develop their own Self-Hypnosis practice. This is an area where I have additional training and a tool that I am keen to pass on to clients.
My approach to Hypnotherapy does not involve unnecessary analysis of the past events in your life in order to understand how you feel now. This does not mean that the past is not relevant because of course it is. The way we have been conditioned throughout our lives informs the way we interpret and react to our lives in the present moment. However, when we repeatedly analyse and mull over past events, especially when these have been traumatic or depressing, what we are essentially doing is rehearsing our problem. Our aim therefore, is to leave past events where they belong, work with what we have in the present and shape the future in a way which best serves us. This is where our personal power lies.
The first aspect of your hypnotherapy sessions will involve showing you the role that your mind plays in creating your experience of life. Once we really understand this, the second aspect of the work becomes much easier and exciting and fun.
The second aspect refers to the way we go about changing this experience. This might be moving away from an experience you want less of, such as pain, anxiety or low self esteem. Or it could be an experience you want to move towards, such as motivation, self-confidence or inspiration.
My aim is to empower you to begin creating the life you desire. My intention is not that you should feel dependent on me or our sessions together, but rather that, after our first set of hypnotherapy sessions together, you will feel equipped with the knowledge and techniques to make changes for yourself in the future.