Etain McNulty MA, BA Hons, HPD, Dip.Hip, NLP Prac
is a fully qualified, registered and experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Etain's background also includes a BA Hons Degree in Philosophy and Politics and a Master’s Degree in International Political Development (MA).
Etain is also a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) and the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR). As a member of these governing bodies, Etain is regulated by the Code of Ethics and Conduct stipulated by each of these organisations and which can be found on each of their websites.
"I wholeheartedly recommend Etain to anyone seeking a balance in their life/careers, parts of their world that they consider stressful...slot into place after a few hours in her presence."
K.O B Belfast

No two hypnotherapists are the same and no two hypnotherapists will approach a particular client issue in the same way. Although each hypnotherapist will utilise hypnosis in some way, the way in which therapy is then applied can differ enormously. Hypnotherapy in the UK is not regulated by law which means the quality of hypnotherapy on offer varies hugely. When you are choosing a hypnotherapist please make sure you look into the type of hypnotherapy they are providing.
Find answers to your questions about Clinical Hypnotherapy here.